Friday, June 17, 2016

To help someone.

           What difference does it make to help someone?

I woke up this morning thinking about what difference do I make in this world by helping others who are in need. I grew up with a giving heart and still have it today. It's hard for me to imagine not helping someone in need. It was ingrained in me from a child to always help those in need. My Grand Mother and Mom would always help anyone in need even if they really didn't need anything. They were just that way. My Grand Mother always said you never know when you might need help. So I followed that rule my whole life.

to help someone
Down on your luck

Then it came to a point in my life where I needed help but no one was there and so I had to learn to rely on God for being my resource. It was very hard. I could not even get a job washing dishes. It was very frustrating for me because I had helped people in need my whole life. Why was I not getting the help I needed. I just did everything I could to help myself out. I didn't mind living outside. I actually enjoyed it. I loved to camp out as a child. It was different this time because I was in a big city full of people I did not know. Most were very rude and would not even acknowledge I was there. I felt that the world had lost it's values and caring for others. I did not know that those in the city never had that type of upbringing. I was astonished at how ignorant those people were. And yet I was ignorant as to how they were brought up.                                                  

I grew up in a small community where to we took care of each other. We had everything we needed. We helped strangers who come through town and anybody in need. We helped other communities when there was a need. To me this was the American way or at least so I thought until I had to move to a big city. I hated the big city because it was so different from what I was used to. I just wanted to go back to my small community and be of use instead of a useless individual in a big city. There has been many times I wished I could turn back time but we know that is not real. 

to help someone
Looking for food

Right before my low point in life I was working as a onsite mechanic from cars to trucks and trailers, to airport refuellers and toters and such. I stayed very busy and made really good money. Then one day I got off a very busy on call week with only about 16 hours of sleep for the week and was headed home. I never made it home. I was in an accident that put me in the hospital for three and a half months with lot of physical therapy and such. It was very hard to rest and not be able to work. I stayed with friends for a while and my Sister as well when I returned to my job but in a different position for lesser money. I then moved into town and got an apartment to be closer to work. I was there a year longer and they let me go. I tried everything I could to get work but to no avail. So I went four years without work not sure if I ever would get to work again. In that whole time I never received any help from anyone to help me in my situation. I gave up on humanity and the compassionate heart. People are more engrossed in themselves than anything else. But I never quit giving even with what little I had I gave because I knew they needed it and it was a great joy in doing so. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you help someone in need. It's the most magical thing that could ever be. 

to help someone
Receiving Help

I had stayed patient believing that one day it would change and that day came when I met my second wife. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We moved to another state to care for my Dad who was in bad health. So we were helping my Dad and I was also working at a wonderful Company that took good care of us. Then a year and a half into the employment with the Company I sustained a concussion that took me out of work. My job ended six months later and no insurance to cover continuing medical expenses and prescriptions. We received a lot of help from the hospital and friends over the first few months but then everything stopped. I was turned down repeatedly by medicaid and disability. So we were in a spot where I was once before and it's frustrating. However my wife the blessing that she is says we'll do this together. 

We were given a trailer house for $1 that needed work but we were grateful that we had gotten that and from dear friends we go to church with. My wife was already on disability so this was a blessing also. Yet she brought in less than $1,000 a month. We managed with what we had with a house that needed work but we were happy. Little by little we got some things fixed and or replaced.

to help someone
Homeless yet Happy

What I am trying to say is that we can not give up on hope that things will get better. We can not give up on those who need us even with the little we have. Life is about us doing life together and helping each other. This is love and unity which builds lives. So when you see someone down on their luck. Extend a hand and help because they sure need it. You can also reach out by helping campaigns that reach out to those in need by volunteering or contributing. A little help does make a big difference in someones life. I hope this short Bio inspires you in one way or another. 

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Bring Hope to a world being destroyed.

                            Bring Hope to a world being destroyed today.

Bring hope to a world being destroyed is no easy task but it is possible by each of us pulling together and making it happen. History teaches us that if we pull together unified in one thing that nothing is impossible to do. Our world is in bad shape and people are destroying each other for greed, power and so much more. We can make a difference by pulling together and working towards a common goal unified. This earth can heal itself if we help it. We take from it but do not give back except for toxic waste and polluted air. This earth has everything we need to live comfortably and abundantly. Why would we want to destroy it? It is our home and we are responsible for it and those in the next generation. 

bring hope to a world being destroyed
Pollution and Destruction

There are plenty of great communities that are trying to establish a common bond and goal to change the effects of the damage already done. There are also room for more communities to start to grow and do this. We need an earth that is willing to give us what we need not what we want to live. There is nothing we can not do together to make this happen. It is all built on love, compassion and making a better life for ourselves. To bring hope to a world being destroyed is a great advantage to changing it for the better and for us all. 

bring hope to a world being destroyed
War and Destruction

There is enough destruction going on by wars. Why do we need to add greed to this scenario? Working together there will be no need for greed or power. This is how our country was started was by the people and for the people and it can be again. Through togetherness, consistency and perseverance this can happen. I mean together because one can make a change but together we can make a better progressive change. There are to many companies out there that are destroying us and our earth by their chemicals and changing food bio-genetics.  This is killing us and destroying our earth. We have the skills, power, knowledge and experience to make a difference. We just need motivation, compassion and a desire to do this. 
We are the only ones who can stop us from doing this. Not nature nor man can stop us. Only we have that ability to do that. Yes it takes work and patience but so does anything else. What we do today affects tomorrow and those in the next generation. We have seen this in our generation so why would we want to do that to the next generation. We can live healthier and more productive lives and bring peace on earth. Growing up in a farming community we took care of each other and had everything we needed to live abundant productive lives and protecting our earth and people from chemicals and mans destructive schemes.As long as we had each other and unified in the same goal we were lacking in nothing or wanting anything because we had everything we needed.

bring hope to a world being destroyed
United Together

We do need Ambassadors to go out and teach others about this so that it will reach around the world and bring hope to a world being destroyed. Together we are unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with. Let's take up being unified and working together on this common goal and make a change in this world for the better. We need each other. Let's do this! Together!

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Bringing Hope to those who feel Hopeless

                        Bringing hope to a hopeless world.

   Bringing hope because there's so much hopelessness in our world today and many are faced with unreal and unthinkable situations or circumstances each day. We at Pay it Forward Campaign are here to make a difference in the lives of those in need and make this world a better place for all to live. We are here to fight evil and negativity and help restore hope to human nature. We will reach as many as possible through our campaign but their are other organizations who are also fighting the same cause as we are and we all need volunteers and contributions to help meet our goals.

bringing hope
Giving Hope & Love

We fight for the right of  life, freedom, a future of hope, peace, love and joy. Bringing hope to those who need it is the greatest thing we could ever do. Those who receive this hope are so grateful because it helps restore their hope in humanity. Life without hope is a lost life and there is to much of lost life out there already. Whether it's here in our Nation or other nations. It is our duty to restore hope and life. And by doing this we make the world a better place. 

bringing hope
Paying it Forward
There are many different aspects of bringing hope to those in need. They could be living in poverty, homeless, in drug or alcohol addictions, waiting to be adopted, abusive relationships or abusive home environment, in gangs, slavery from human trafficking and so much more. Bringing hope they so desperately need because they do not know how to ask for help or are to prideful or are unable to. So it is up to us to go and search out those needs and no life gets left behind. 

bringing hope
Reaching out with Hope.
In our next blog post we are going to be talking about why some of these situations occur and how we can help by volunteering or contributing resources. We're also going to take a journey through research in their shoes so we can see how they got where they are and what our hearts would tell us to do. Please prepare yourself for some horrific and unthinkable things and situations. It will be heart wrenching.