Monday, May 30, 2016

Bring Hope to a world being destroyed.

                            Bring Hope to a world being destroyed today.

Bring hope to a world being destroyed is no easy task but it is possible by each of us pulling together and making it happen. History teaches us that if we pull together unified in one thing that nothing is impossible to do. Our world is in bad shape and people are destroying each other for greed, power and so much more. We can make a difference by pulling together and working towards a common goal unified. This earth can heal itself if we help it. We take from it but do not give back except for toxic waste and polluted air. This earth has everything we need to live comfortably and abundantly. Why would we want to destroy it? It is our home and we are responsible for it and those in the next generation. 

bring hope to a world being destroyed
Pollution and Destruction

There are plenty of great communities that are trying to establish a common bond and goal to change the effects of the damage already done. There are also room for more communities to start to grow and do this. We need an earth that is willing to give us what we need not what we want to live. There is nothing we can not do together to make this happen. It is all built on love, compassion and making a better life for ourselves. To bring hope to a world being destroyed is a great advantage to changing it for the better and for us all. 

bring hope to a world being destroyed
War and Destruction

There is enough destruction going on by wars. Why do we need to add greed to this scenario? Working together there will be no need for greed or power. This is how our country was started was by the people and for the people and it can be again. Through togetherness, consistency and perseverance this can happen. I mean together because one can make a change but together we can make a better progressive change. There are to many companies out there that are destroying us and our earth by their chemicals and changing food bio-genetics.  This is killing us and destroying our earth. We have the skills, power, knowledge and experience to make a difference. We just need motivation, compassion and a desire to do this. 
We are the only ones who can stop us from doing this. Not nature nor man can stop us. Only we have that ability to do that. Yes it takes work and patience but so does anything else. What we do today affects tomorrow and those in the next generation. We have seen this in our generation so why would we want to do that to the next generation. We can live healthier and more productive lives and bring peace on earth. Growing up in a farming community we took care of each other and had everything we needed to live abundant productive lives and protecting our earth and people from chemicals and mans destructive schemes.As long as we had each other and unified in the same goal we were lacking in nothing or wanting anything because we had everything we needed.

bring hope to a world being destroyed
United Together

We do need Ambassadors to go out and teach others about this so that it will reach around the world and bring hope to a world being destroyed. Together we are unstoppable and a force to be reckoned with. Let's take up being unified and working together on this common goal and make a change in this world for the better. We need each other. Let's do this! Together!

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